
01452 720216

Case Study

Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice – September 2017

Case Study: Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice – September 2017

Working closely with the management at Sue Ryder we tackled and resolved their ongoing problems of deteriorating gravel carparks. The current surface was uneven and had become potentially dangerous. Looking for a long-term solution we sourced and installed a cellular, stablilizing grid network to create a striking finish with a level surface designed to take regular vehicle trafficking and retain the flint decorative stone chippings despite the carpark being on the slopes of Leckhampton Hill.

This system can be installed for a variety of applications and be filled with a range of gravels, decorative chippings or even top soil & grass.

Abbey Surfacing have always projected a professional approach to any project and have worked proficiently and effciently on any undertaking with noticeable regard to Health & Safety Regulations. Timescales have been adhered to and problem solving dealt with effectively

- B Walker & Co Ltd (Dursley)

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